Monday, May 25, 2015

way b4 INDONESIA opened the tsunami wailing doors and my blessings were turned into real time hauntings and all who hated me begin to profit off of my wealth and it having no meaning for me to understand except in the dream realm and so the mysteries of the universe revealed that all of this undoing was to make known thru me the unknown regions of the universe DARKMATTER DARKENERGY yes before Haiti's earthquake before Japan's tsunami before Galveston's Ike before Rita & Katrina before ITS GLOBAL WARMING DUMMY and facebook and tumblr and CRASH won an OSCAR i wrote a script about a supranatural pregnant teenager from a mystical community of the black ones who traced their lineage to the ones who always remembered that they were called cotton workers during the times when slavery was law perhaps its taken this long to reveal that the actual homestead of these folks is CLEVELAND OHIO perhaps but still my question is WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE REVEAL THRU MY REAL TIME DESPAIR AND WHY COULD IT NOT HAVE BEEN TURNED INTO ART DEAR SANDYTOWN?

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